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Strengthening Bonds and Uniting for a Common Goal: Our Core Team's 3-Day Corporate Training Success

Strengthening Bonds and Uniting for a Common Goal: Our Core Team's 3-Day Corporate Training Success

31 Jul 2024

📣 Our core team of over 100 members has successfully completed a 3-day corporate training session. The connections between departments, subordinates and leaders, and leaders and the boss have become closer than ever! A huge thank you to Shinee Wong, our Dean Xue'er. Now, our team is more united than ever, with every member sharing the same goal!

🤜 With renewed energy, we are all in on the road to going public, working tirelessly to achieve the team’s goals. IPO 2027. 50 millionaires, see you in 2027!

We are thrilled to announce that our core team, consisting of over 100 dedicated members, has successfully completed a transformative 3-day corporate training session. This intensive training has significantly strengthened the bonds between various departments, subordinates and leaders, and leaders and the boss.

A special thank you goes out to Shinee Wong, our esteemed Dean Xue'er, for her exceptional leadership and guidance throughout this training. Her efforts have played a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose within our team.

The training sessions were meticulously designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and strategic thinking among team members. Through a series of engaging activities, workshops, and discussions, we have not only improved our skills but also built stronger connections that are essential for our collective success.

One of the most significant outcomes of this training is the unprecedented level of unity we have achieved. Every member of our team is now aligned with a singular goal: to take our company public by 2027. This shared vision has instilled a renewed sense of purpose and determination within our team, driving us to work together more effectively than ever before.

We are energized and ready to embark on this exciting journey towards our IPO in 2027. Our goal is ambitious, yet achievable: to create 50 millionaires within our team by the time we go public. This vision serves as a powerful motivator, inspiring each of us to give our best and strive for excellence in everything we do.

As we move forward, we are committed to maintaining the momentum gained from this training. We will continue to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and mutual support, ensuring that every team member has the opportunity to contribute to our collective success.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this training and contributed to its success. Together, we are stronger, more united, and more determined than ever to achieve our goals. See you at the top in 2027!